Fereidoun Abbasi-Davani

Fereidoun Abbasi-Davani - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entity - Iranian nuclear scientist who was head of Atomic Energy Organization from 2011 ...
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Multimat Import and Export

Multimat Import and Export - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entity, Linked to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran's development of nuclear ...
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Gharagahe Sazandegi Ghaem

Gharagahe Sazandegi Ghaem - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entity - Owned and controlled by Khatam Al-Anbiya. Entity of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary ...
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Jami S. Choudhury

Jami S. Choudhury - Medium Alert - Entitiy sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights violations, Linked ...
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Belvneshpromservice (BVPS)

Belvneshpromservice (BVPS) - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entity, Transferring to Iran equipment and/or technology of proliferation significance since January 1, 1999
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Nithish Jaitha

Nithish Jaitha - Medium Alert - Entitiy sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights violations, Ordered different ...
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Sina Bank

Sina Bank - Top Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violation - Sina Bank is added to the Specially ...
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Mojtaba Haeri

Mojtaba Haeri - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entity - Deputy of Industry for MODAFL, with a supervisory role over AIO and ...
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