Ghasem Haghighat

PRC-based Iranian national Ghasem Haghighat (Haghighat) serves as a director and shareholder of Beijing SNTD and has facilitated the firm’s modules procurement
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Beijing SNTD

PRC-based Beijing SNTD operates as a MODAFL front company that procures electronics on behalf of Iranian end-users
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Gong Jiao

PRC-based Gong Jiao (Gong) also facilitated Wei’s nonferrous metals sales to P.B. Sadr as an employee of both Hong Kong Ke.Do and Qingdao ZRT
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Qin Xutong

PRC-based Qin Xutong (Qin), as the commercial manager of Hong Kong Ke.Do, has facilitated the company’s nonferrous metals sales to P.B. Sadr.
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Wei Zunyi

PRC-based Wei Zunyi represented Hong Kong Ke.Do in its purchase of tens of millions of dollars’ worth of tugboats, which it procured on behalf of ...
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Qingdao ZRT

PRC-based Qingdao Zhongrongtong Trade Development Co., Ltd. (Qingdao ZRT) has engaged in the sale of tens of millions of dollars’ worth of dual-use, nonferrous metals ...
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Hong Kong Ke Do

Hong Kong-based Hong Kong Ke.Do International Trade Co., Limited has engaged in the sale of tens of millions of dollars’ worth of dual-use, nonferrous metals ...
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Lingoe Engineering

Hong Kong-based Lingoe Process Engineering Limited (Lingoe) has served as a front company for Zhejiang Qingji in its commercial dealings with PCI and P.B. Sadr
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Shen Weisheng

PRC-based Shen Weisheng (Shen), the director and general manager of Zhejiang Qingji, has also carried out Zhejiang Qingji’s centrifuge deals, worth hundreds of thousands of ...
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Choe Un Jong

Choe Un Jong has worked with DPRK weapons trading officials to purchase electronic equipment for Iranian customers
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