Bilal Hudroj (Hudroj) of Lebanon-based Hodroj Exchange S.A.R.L. (Hodroj Exchange) has worked with al-Jamal to make financial transfers to Houthi officials in Yemen
KSS leader Hashim Finyan Rahim al-Saraji receives support from the IRGC, has planned and been involved in attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria
Al-Majidi has been the executive director of the KH-affiliated satellite TV station Al-Ittijah and sought Iranian technical expertise to create news and propaganda in support ...
Habib Hasan Mughamis Darraji serves as KH’s foreign affairs chief. Darraji has coordinated the training of KH fighters in Iran with the IRGC and facilitated ...
Solise Energy is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for being owned, controlled, or directed by, directly or indirectly, Mehboob Thachankandy Palikandy
Mohammad Resa Bazzazi, accused of trying to evade U.S. sanctions and export laws by working to illegally procure goods and technology from U.S. companies for ...
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