Alborz Organic Materials Engineering Company is owned by Mitra Inanlu and was established to manufacture epoxy resins and other materials of the composite industry
Mitra Inanlu involved in the procurement of proliferation-sensitive material for proscribed elements of Iran’s nuclear and other military weapons programs
Rostam Shahmari Ghojeh Biklo involved in the procurement of proliferation-sensitive material for proscribed elements of Iran’s nuclear and other military weapons programs
Muhammad Pahlawan is charged with attempting to smuggle advanced missile components, including a warhead he is accused of knowing would be used by the Houthi ...
Press TV is the English language channel for the state broadcaster of the Iranian government, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), which was designated by ...
Iran’s Yaftar Pazhohan Pishtaz Rayanesh works with the CDICC to design and implement tools to “crawl” through the world’s leading search engines to identify and ...
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