Parto Sanat Co.

manufacturer of frequency changers and it is capable of developing/modifying imported foreign frequency changers in a way that makes them usable in gas centrifuge enrichment ...
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Pars Trash Company

Involved in Iran's centrifuge program - Medium Alert - Entities sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights ...
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Joza Industrial Company

Front company for the AIO (Aerospace Industries Organization), Involved in the Iranian ballistic missile program - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entity
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TAMAS Company

Tamas - Company - Top Alert - Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violation - Designated by the U.S. Treasury Department ...
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Middle East Bank

Owned or controlled by the government of Iran - Top Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violation
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Everex - Medium Alert - Entity sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit activities / WMD related / Human rights violations - Conspired with ...
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Andisheh Zolal Co.

Andisheh Zolal Co. - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entity - A subsidiary of Zolal Iran Company, which is involved in a ...
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