
Company owned or controlled by Rasool Jalili - Top Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violation
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Raht Aseman

Participating in a conspiracy to export thirteen different types of U.S.-made military aircraft parts to Iran via Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) without obtaining the ...
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Mahdi Electronics

An Iranian business that buys and sells aircraft parts and electronic components - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entity
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Sahab Phase

An Iranian business that buys and sells aircraft parts - Top Alert - Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entities
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Iran Tablo Company

Was the intended recipient of electrical switchgears illegally exported from the United Kingdom - Medium Alert - Entities sanctioned in the past for Terror or ...
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Part of the Fulmen Group, which specializes in power transmission and distribution - Medium Alert - Entities sanctioned in the past for Terror or Illicit ...
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