Taliban – Involved In

ifmat - China and Iran pledge more cooperation on 50th anniversary of ties

China and Iran pledge more cooperation on 50th anniversary of ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping in a message to his Iranian counterpart on Monday said that since the two countries launched their strategic partnership in 2016, mutual political trust has ...
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ifmat - Iran militias violate Daraa ceasefire

Iran militias violate Daraa ceasefire

The Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad and the opposition in the southern province of Daraa agreed on a ceasefire deal brokered by Russia on Saturday, potentially halting the fighting ...
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ifmat - US Hits IRGC Qods Force network with sanctions

US Hits IRGC Qods Force network with sanctions

On Friday, the US Treasury Department levied sanctions on an international oil smuggling network that supports Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force
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ifmat - Controversial German politician to head UN agency accused of helping Iran with tech linked to nuclear program

Controversial German politician to head UN agency accused of helping Iran with tech linked to nuclear program

Iranian diplomats were reportedly seen last month holding talks at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), a sprawling, byzantine Vienna-based bureaucracy. UNIDO provides funds and technology which critics ...
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ifmat - Iran mullahs have fans in Erdogan inner circle

Iran’s mullahs have fans in Erdogan’s inner circle

The regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan contains people related either directly or indirectly to the mullahs’ regime in Iran.
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ifmat - More than 500 women human rights defenders unjustly imprisoned In Iran

More than 500 women human rights defenders unjustly imprisoned In Iran

On August 5, 2021, several human rights organizations sent a joint submission to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women warning about the increasing persecution and prosecution of ...
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