Taliban – Involved In

ifmat - Afghan Authorities Accuse Iran of Using Taliban to Undercut Water Projects

Afghan Authorities Accuse Iran of Using Taliban to Undercut Water Projects

Afghan governors in southern and western provinces charged on Monday that Iran is using an increasingly close relationship
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ifmat - AfghanistanIran is supplying Taliban with rockets to strike us

Iran is supplying Taliban with rockets to strike Afghanistan

Iran continues to provide the Taliban with missiles to hit Afghan forces, the governor of Helmand province told Afghanistan’s daily newspaper
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ifmat - IRGC, Cooperation With Taliban Militants in Afghanistan

Designated IRGC works with Taliban Militants in Afghanistan

Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces are active in the ranks of the Taliban, stated Jamileh Amini head of the Farah’s provincial council in West..
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ifmat - Iran hosts Taliban leaders at a conference in Tehran

Iran hosts Taliban leaders in Tehran

In an unprecedented move, Tehran is publicly hosting leaders of hardline Taliban movement in the ‘Islamic Unity’ conference.
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Iran supporting Taliban

An Afghan official told Kabul Television that Iran supports the extremist group by hosting training exercises inside the country.
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Iranian Qods Force commanders linked to Taliban: US Treasury

The US Treasury department has added four Iranian Qods Force commanders to its list of specially designated global terrorists, two of whom are charged with directly providing support for ...
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