Palestinian Islamic Jihad – Involved In

ifmat - Iran Steps Up Threats to Israel, U.S.1

Iran’s threats against Israel and the US are louder

Iran's threats against Israel and the US are becoming bolder and louder. Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is now repeatedly
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The Unraveling of Sanctions on the Quds Force’s Qassem Soleimani

Sanctions against Qassem Soleimani “will stay forever,” Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday. Soleimani is head of the Quds Force, the arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ...
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Iran, Hamas and the Dance of Death

The Iranians and Hamas are exploiting the final days of the Obama Administration to restore their relations and pave the way for Tehran to step up its meddling in ...
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ifmat - Iran has been forcing Palestinian jihadists to r=

Iran has been forcing Palestinian jihadists to resume hostilities against Israel, a Palestinian security official told

He said that Palestinian security services have noticed increased efforts on the part of the Iran-financed Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in Gaza to recruit West Bank operatives, especially in ...
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ifmat-Iran is more dangerous than Islamic State

Iran is more dangerous than Islamic State

U .S. political leaders of both parties argue that destroying Islamic State is America’s top priority in the Middle East. In reality, that’s not nearly as important as confronting ...
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Iran funds Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine for terrorist attacks

The relationship between the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Islamic Republic of Iran has gone from an impasse — when Iran was supporting Islamist ...
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