A conference was held in Norway titled, “Islamic Fundamentalism: What is the solution?” in which Norwegian MPs from various parties, representatives of different embassies, including the Dutch Ambassador in Norway, and a number of Iranian Resistance supporters ...
Following the US missile attack on the air base of the Assad regime, the media affiliated with the Arabs and the Syrian Opposition released details about the presence of Iranian regime's forces in the military bases of ...
The Iranian chief executive lifted the curtain off the accomplishments made by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, namely a rock core centrifuge, and high-temperature condensate pump.
The Iranian military holds annual war games to showcase its latest capabilities and technologies. This year, it conducted the Velayat-95 war games in both the Persian Gulf and northern Indian Ocean. Among the marquee capabilities the Iranian ...
Iran claims that the 95 foot-long Ghadir-class submarine has both stealth technology and can launch missiles and torpedoes simultaneously. While this may be an exaggeration, the submarine can nevertheless threaten not only civilian shipping but also military ...
An expert panel met with the U.S. Senate to discuss Iran’s upcoming ‘elections’ and the role of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the Middle East. Various officials within the U.S. have been debating the wisdom ...
After President Trump ordered a military strike on a Syrian military air base, Russia condemned what they called “an act of aggression.” Despite how the U.S. warned Russia prior to the attack, the Kremlin responded by saying ...
The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, talked tough on Iran last March 28, stating that the regime is a danger to the U.S., in need of non-nuclear sanctions, and calling for Iran's ...
At a House subcommittee meeting Wednesday, the deep partisan divisions over the Obama administration's Iran nuclear deal were on display once again as Republican-selected witnesses criticized the deal as allowing Iran to continue its nuclear capabilities and ...
Earlier in the week we were once again subjected to media reports showing the terrifying and heart-breaking images of dying men, women, children and babies following a horrific chemical attack that was carried out by the Assad ...
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