ifmat - Iran Financing Speedy Construction of Hamas Terror Tunnel

Iran Financing Speedy Construction of Hamas Terror Tunnels

Utilizing critical Iranian funds, Hamas has pressed on with completing the restoration of its network of tunnels, including those reaching into Israeli territory, a top Hamas diplomatic source told Breitbart Jerusalem. “The military wing has ensured the ...
ifmat-Iran is more dangerous than Islamic State

Iran is more dangerous than Islamic State

U .S. political leaders of both parties argue that destroying Islamic State is America’s top priority in the Middle East. In reality, that’s not nearly as important as confronting the challenge posed by Iran. The nuclear deal ...
ifmat-Iran fires mortars into Balochistan Pakistan

Iran fires mortars into Balochistan Pakistan

It was a double whammy for Pakistan, as on a day when India carried out a surgical strike across the Line of Control, its western border came under attack by Iranian forces. Iran Border Guards opened fire ...

Iran trying to set up its own terror group in Gaza

Al-Sabirin (the name comes from the Arabic word for “patience”) has begun recruiting an intended initial force of 400 fighters, the TV report said, and is directly funded by the regime in Tehran. Because it follows Shi’ite ...

Iran steps up arms shipments to Hezbollah, Hamas

Israeli officials revealed Monday that the Islamic Republic had stepped up its support for Lebanese Shiite terror group Hezbollah over the past few weeks. Israel has observed an increase in Iran weapons shipments to Hezbollah members — ...

Funding Hezbollah reveals Iran’s interests

Evidence has come to light of unfrozen Iranian funds going to terrorist organizations. In a candid address on June 24, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah made a number of admissions about his organization’s funding. The comments came after ...

State Department: Iran is ‘the leading sponsor of terrorism’

Even after nuclear agreement, U.S. report says Iran supplies money, training, and weapons to terrorist organizations worldwide • Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Iran will not cooperate with U.S. to solve regional crisis, as [our] aims are 180 degrees ...