ifmat - IRGC Is Arm of Iran Regime's Exporting of Terrorism

IRGC Is Arm of Iran Regime’s Exporting of Terrorism

An expert panel met with the U.S. Senate to discuss Iran’s upcoming ‘elections’ and the role of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the Middle East. Various officials within the U.S. have been debating the wisdom ...
ifmat - An effective first step toward containing Iran

An effective first step toward containing Iran

The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, talked tough on Iran last March 28, stating that the regime is a danger to the U.S., in need of non-nuclear sanctions, and calling for Iran's ...
ifmat - The Iran nuclear deal gives Iran a clear road to the bomb

The Iran nuclear deal gives Iran a clear road to the bomb

At a House subcommittee meeting Wednesday, the deep partisan divisions over the Obama administration's Iran nuclear deal were on display once again as Republican-selected witnesses criticized the deal as allowing Iran to continue its nuclear capabilities and ...
ifmat - Russian Helicopters discusses production in Iran

Russian Helicopters discusses production in Iran

Russian Helicopters and Iran's Industrial Development & Renovation Organization (IDRO) are reported to have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish a joint venture for helicopter assembly.
ifmat - Iranian Militias in Bahrain

Iranian Militias in Bahrain

The quiet kingdom on the Arabian Gulf has experienced a tough crisis over six years of chaos, explosions and sabotage. Bahrain has been shouting loud for six years: This is not a revolution nor a peaceful protest, ...
ifmat - Iran Regime Is an Invading Force and an Enemy

Iran Regime Is an Invading Force and an Enemy in Syria

While denouncing the Iranian regime’s interventions in Syria, a member of the Syrian opposition delegation in Geneva and spokesman for the Syrian Free Army ‘Issam Al Reis’ emphasized in his interview with the Iranian Resistance’s Satellite TV ...