ifmat - mobile game 'blocked' in Iran

mobile game ‘blocked’ in Iran

Iran has put limits on who can play the popular Clash of Clans mobile game. A government committee called for restrictions citing
ifmat - Party in Tehran Ended up With Arrest

Party in Tehran Ended up With Arrests

According to a report by the state-run Fars news agency affiliated to the Iran regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), 25 people including an actor
ifmat - How Iran helped keep Assad in power

How Iran helped keep Assad in power

Aleppo was Syria’s most populous city before the civil war devastated this ancient metropolis. Controlling this strategic city has been regarded
ifmat - US is about to sanction Iran for Syrian war crimes

This Iranian airline is one of the Assad regime’s lifelines

The U.S. Treasury announced new Syria sanctions on Friday, including on Cham Wings, Syria’s second-largest carrier. Privately owned by businessman Issam Shammout, Cham Wings has been blacklisted by the Department of Commerce since 2011