ifmat - Iran Regime a Major Concern for International Security

Iran Regime a Major Concern for International Security

Iran has been continuing its series of blatant measures in defiance of norms accepted as standard by the international community, all as the Trump administration continues to weigh on blacklisting the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). Iran has gone ...
ifmat - Female Prisoner Transferred to Solitary Confinement in Iran

Female Prisoner Transferred to Solitary Confinement in Iran

According to reports, prison officials in Kerman Central Prison have on Saturday March 25 transferred Afsaneh Bayazidi to solitary confinement, where the Kurdish girl will be held till the end of this week, namely for 15 days, ...
ifmat - Iran is increasingly threatening the Jewish state

Iran is increasingly threatening Israel

According to a recent report published by MEMRI, in the wake of the election of US President Donald Trump, Iran has been shying away from directly confronting the United States but at the same time, the Islamic ...
ifmat - Young Iranian Facing Death Sentence

Young Iranian Facing Death Sentence

Sina Dehghan, sentenced to death for “insulting the prophet” of Islam when he was 19-years-old, was tricked into signing his confession, an informed source told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).
ifmat - Iran Regime's Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Terrorists Arrested in Bahrain

IRGC Terrorists Arrested in Bahrain

Bahrain security forces have arrested a terror cell that plotted to assassinate important senior government and community figures. Al Arabiya English reported on March 26, 2017.
ifmat - Senior Iranian Mullahs Concerned About the Future Ahead

Senior Iranian Mullahs Concerned About the Future Ahead

The mullah presiding over Friday prayers in Tehran referred to the Iranian regime’s domestic and international isolation, and the threat of uprisings erupting similar to those of 2009 due to the rifts caused amongst the regime’s factions ...