ifmat - Iran supports terror gangs in Bahrain, says GCC

Iran supports terror gangs in Bahrain

GCC ministers meeting in Riyadh on Thursday condemned Iran's support for "terrorist gangs" in Bahrain and urged Tehran to stop fuelling "sectarian conflicts".
ifmat - Increasing Isolation for Iran

Increasing Isolation for Iran

After enjoying eight “golden” years of President Barack Obama’s all-out appeasement approach, the mullahs in Iran are feeling the wrath of isolation, with senior international figures lashing out at the regime in Tehran and calling for action ...
ifmat - U.S. Generals calls Iran Destabilizing Force

U.S. Generals calls Iran Destabilizing Force

The nation's top military official in the Middle East on Wednesday said Iran is one of the greatest threats to the U.S. today and has increased its "destabilizing role" in the region.
ifmat - What role will Iran-linked militias play once IS leaves Iraq

What role will Iran-linked militias play once IS leaves Iraq

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said recently that any group taking up arms in Iraq outside the state's official framework will be considered outlaws. However, it seems at least some of the factions fighting under the banner ...
ifmat - Iran Regime Sends More Weapons for Houthi Militias in Yemen

Iran Regime Sends More Weapons for Houthi Militias in Yemen

Faced with new advancements of Yemen’s national army, the Iranian regime has stepped up sending weapons and munitions for Houthi militias, says Dr. Muhammad Al-Ameri, an advisor to Yemeni president, in an interview with Al-Arabiya TV.
ifmat - Iran Continued Intervention in Neighboring Countries

Iran Continued Intervention in Neighboring Countries

The Arab Ministerial Quartet Committee, tasked with following up the developments of the crisis with the Iranian regime, denounced on Monday the regime’s continued intervention in internal affairs of Arab countries.