ifmat - Execution of Two Ill Prisoners in Iran

Execution of Two Ill Prisoners in Iran

The mullahs 'anti-human regime on April 12 hanged 27-year-old Rahman Hosseinpour while suffering from mental illness in Tabriz prison. He was taking daily 30 tranquilizer pills and was imprisoned in the psychotherapy ward. On April 4 another ...
ifmat - Iran barred Reformists

Iran barred Reformists

After disqualifying the initial reformist winner, Iran’s conservative Guardian Council has now barred most reformist candidates from running in the second-round election for Isfahan’s vacant parliamentary seat.
ifmat - Iran Regime's Plot to Attack Saudi Arabia from Yemen

Iran Regime’s Plot to Attack Saudi Arabia from Yemen

On April 16, 2017 Al Arabiya News Channel in an interview with General Ahmed Asiri, the spokesperson for Arab alliance forces fighting in backing the legitimate government in Yemen, exposed the existence of an “Iranian scheme to ...