ifmat - Old Hospitals with Diseases in Iran

Old Hospitals with Diseases in Iran

Considering the high cost of medicine and medical care, each year a percentage of the Iranian population fall below the poverty line after providing the crippling costs of such services.
ifmat - Rouhani Acknowledges That the Armed Forces Budget During His Tenure Has Increased 145 Percent

Iran Armed Forces Budget Has Increased 145 Percent

Rouhani, President of the religious fascism ruling Iran on April 18 acknowledged that: “Figures show that in the eleventh government (Rouhani’s government) the budget of defense capability compared to the beginning of this government has had 145% ...
ifmat - 11 Protest Rallies in Tehran and Other Iranian Cities

11 Protest Rallies in Tehran and Other Iranian Cities

On Sunday, April 23rd various protest gatherings were held in various cities across Iran protesting poor living conditions and government-sponsored theft. Here are 12 such cases, shedding small light on the overall situation in Iran.