ifmat - Iran to Launch Two New Satellites

Iran to Launch Two New Satellites

Iran is preparing to launch two new domestic satellites into space, according to a new announcement by Iranian military leaders that is stirring discussion among U.S. national security insiders who say the move is likely cover for ...
ifmat - Reformist Journalist Tortured Under Ghalibaf’s Police Command

Reformist Journalist Tortured Under Ghalibaf’s Police Command

A reformist journalist who was detained and tortured in a secret detention center under the supervision of current Iranian presidential candidate Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf in 2004, when Ghalibaf was the commander of police forces, is demanding accountability.
ifmat - No Mercy for Iran’s Baha’i

No Mercy for Iran’s Baha’i

Iran will elect a new president on May 19. But the real event will take place days before, on May 14, and it will offer more insight into the nature of the regime than managed elections ever ...