ifmat - The Pope visit to Iraq and Iran Huff

The Pope’s visit to Iraq and Iran’s Huff

While the three-day visit to Iraq by the leader of the Catholic church Pope Francis ended on March 8, and most of the international media and leaders of the free world called it and especially the Pope’s ...
ifmat - Iranian disinformation organizations coordinate global activities

Iranian disinformation organizations coordinate global activities

Global disinformation efforts originating from Iran share a number of common traits with other state-sponsored campaigns, including amplification of content across networks, the promotion of material from connected journalists, and the hosting of coordinated events and seminars, ...
ifmat - State-Run media highlights Iran terrorism

State-Run media highlights Iran terrorism

The reaction from Iranian state-run media over the recent conviction and imprisonment of their diplomat Assadollah Assadi on terrorism charges in Belgium highlights how the regime is actually responsible for state-sponsored terrorism.
ifmat - Iran power struggle on Khomeini anniversary

Iran’s power struggle on Khomeini’s anniversary

The empty ceremony commemorating the forty-second anniversary of the infamous entry into Iran of Iranian regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini, on his lavish and pharaonic tomb, reflects the miserable condition of a regime that considers one of the ...