
Who is Iran’s new interior minister Ahmad Vahidi

Last week, the Iranian regime’s parliament approved of Ebrahim Raisi nominees to head various cabinet ministries. The entire cabinet consists of thieves and terrorists, but Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi stands out as one of the most appalling ...
ifmat - Khomeinist regime threatens and blackmails countries and politial leaders

Iran must end foreign meddling to garner trust

Iran needs to convince its neighbors that it has renounced interfering in their affairs if there is to be a rapprochement between it and the Arab world, Alex Vatanka, director of the Iran Program and a senior ...
ifmat - Iran Quds Force chief in Iraq

Iran Quds Force chief in Iraq

Iran’s Quds Force Commander Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani has arrived in the Iraqi city of Najaf to offer condolences to top Shia Muslim authorities in Iraq over the passing of Ayatollah Seyyed Mohamma Saeed Hakim.
ifmat - Ayatollah Khamenei mobilizes Shia eulogists in Khuzestan

Ayatollah Khamenei mobilizes Shia eulogists in Khuzestan

In a bygone era, anyone sending a letter or petition to the rulers of Iran would enclose a gift to increase their chances of a favorable response. The message itself would feature the humble addendum: “Just to ...
ifmat - How the Tehran regime ideology ran dry

How the Tehran regime’s ideology ran dry

Protests in Khuzestan Province have rocked the Iranian regime in recent weeks and have now spread to the capital Tehran. The protests highlight a structural deficiency in the country.
ifmat - Self-proclaimed Washington Scholar Parroting Iran Propaganda

Self-proclaimed Washington “Scholar” Parroting Iran Propaganda

Every time the principal Iranian resistance movement, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), makes headway in the campaign to unseat the murderous theocracy ruling Iran, AEI’s self-proclaimed “scholar” Michael Rubin parrots the same scurrilous allegations, cheaply copied from Iranian ...