ifmat - Iran Government economic crisis has no solution

Iran Government’s economic crisis has no solution

Despite the Iranian government’s rumors of fighting and eliminating corruption, increasing the people’s wages, removing the subsidies of the rich, and increasing the subsidies of the poor, solving the problem of housing by creating 1 million houses ...
ifmat - Iran commerce chamber chief warns of drop in GDP

Iran commerce chamber chief warns of drop in GDP

Gholam-Hossein Shafei, Chairman of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, has warned that the government needs to remove "domestic and international obstacles to production" in the face of a 57 percent drop in GDP, and revise economic policies to ...
ifmat - Raisi ready for Vienna talks but without examining regional influence and ballistic missile program

Iran president’s economic mafia team

After introducing the members of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi’s economic team, it became clear that this government and its team have no specific plan for the country’s development and an economic boom as they have claimed before.
ifmat - Iran enters a new economic era marked by poverty

Iran enters a new economic era marked by poverty

Iran’s Ministry of Labor has published its first official report about poverty in Iran that says in calendar year 1398 (March 2019-Mrch 2020) roughly one third of Iranians lived below the poverty line defined by an income ...
ifmat - Iran economy continues to crumble with no end in sight

Iran’s economy continues to crumble with no end in sight

The passage of time has shown that despite all the claims by Iran’s government, its nuclear centrifuges and the people’s lives revolve are in two contra directions, and inevitably the regime is in a stage whereby it ...
ifmat - Iran is on the path to becoming a forever poor country

Iran is on the path to becoming a forever poor country

Experience shows that the group of countries in the world whose inability to use their assets due to poor productivity and inefficiency in domestic economic policies, as well as an inability to speed up foreign trade and ...