Iran Says It Has No Blocked Funds in Iraq

A top Iranian official said on Wednesday that Tehran has no blocked funds in Iraq, after the Biden administration issued sanction waivers in 2023 and this year to allow Baghdad to release the Iranian funds. After

Iranian Tractor Company exports products to 24 countries

During a visit by the Union of Turkish Rights members to the Iran Tractor Manufacturing Industrial Group on Sunday, Karim Aghelvand said that products of this industrial group are being exported to European countries

Price Surge in Iran’s Automotive Market

Simultaneously with the continued turmoil in the currency exchange rate in Iran, the prices of both domestic and foreign cars in the country have risen, with reports indicating an increase in the prices of imported

Iran joins BRICS group formally in 2024

At the recent BRICS meeting, which took place in Durban, South Africa, early in December, Sooklal underlined —referring to the attendance of high-ranking representatives of Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab