ifmat - Over 9 Billion dollars for importing strange goods

Over 9 Billion dollars for importing strange goods

In this respect, the previous Iranian Parliament [Majlis], known as the tenth Majlis, did nothing despite providing rhetoric and arguments. For instance, lawmakers passed a law that banned government offices from recruiting retirees. However, Majlis had not ...
ifmat - Iran sets Its sights on LNG superpower status

Iran sets Its sights on LNG superpower status

Qatar’s recent decision to go ahead with bold plans for the North Dome, its supergiant non-associated gas reservoir, together with corollary deals to secure massive new liquefied natural gas (LNG) capacity in its chief target export market
ifmat - The systematic corruption in Iran judiciary

The systematic corruption in Iran’s judiciary

After the disclosure of 63 bank accounts of the former judiciary chief Sadegh Amoli Larijani, Iranian citizens expected authorities to put an end to the systematic corruption in government apparatuses. The replacement of Larijani with Ebrahim Raisi ...