India sent a consignment of two Mobile Harbour Cranes (MHC) to Iran’s strategically located Chabahar port to enable seamless cargo handling services, the Ministry of Shipping said on Wed.
While the Iranian government has been surrounded by enormous crises and dilemmas inside the country and abroad, officials inevitably make damning confessions. In recent days, officials from both factions of the establishment have admitted to massive distrust ...
Iraq announced two deals with countries that Iran hopes can be gradually moved further into its sphere of influence. One of the two, Lebanon, is already seen by Tehran as a key player in the Shia crescent ...
Two Iranian men living in Canada are accused by U.S. authorities of buying “highly sophisticated” manufacturing and transportation equipment and secretly shipping it to Iran to circumvent strict sanctions.
Iran ended 2020 with an eleventh-hour execution of a child offender, sending the world a signal that the authorities there are in no mood to strike a reformist image as world powers deliberate on the future of ...
Although Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claims his job is not to interfere in government affairs unless the survival of the Islamic Republic is at risk, he is already intervening in the country’s presidential election, which ...
After five years of plunging oil production and experiencing the near-collapse of its economically crucial petroleum industry and the worst peacetime economic crisis of the modern age, there are signs a recovery is underway in Venezuela
The Iranian Army awarded the Honorary Sacrifice Medal to the late commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, Major General Qassem Soleimani, after the approval of the Supreme Council of Army Medals of the Islamic ...
Iran has slashed the amount of natural gas it exports to Iraq and threatened further cutbacks over unpaid bills, increasing the likelihood of more electricity shortages in Baghdad and other major cities.
The U.S. State Department last week sanctioned Vietnam Gas and Chemicals Transportation Corporation, a vessel manager, as well as Vo Ngoc Phung, the firm’s managing director, for engaging in a significant petroleum transaction after Nov. 5, 2018, ...
Iran has stated its interest in attracting investments from Russian oil companies to help develop its oilfields, Russia’s TASS news agency said on Monday, quoting Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh.
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