Mohammad Kazemi – Involved In

ifmat - Iranian incompetence is too great to conceal

Iranian incompetence is too great to conceal

The people of Iran have been described by U.S. President Trump as the first victims of the Iranian regime. They are far from the only victims of the Iranian ...
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ifmat - Iranian protests are more dangerous than foreign threats

Iranian protests are more dangerous than foreign threats

The head of the Tehran City Council said that Iran’s popular protests were far more dangerous than foreign threats for the regime
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ifmat - Iran Telegram ban will weaken economy in Iran

Telegram ban will weaken economy in Iran

The Iranian authorities have been grappling with how to limit the use of foreign social media apps in the country. On April 30, the Iranian judiciary...
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ifmat - Iranian environmentalists reamins detained months after arrests

Iranian environmentalists remain detained months after arrests

Seven environmentalists who were arrested in Tehran nearly two months ago remain in detention with no or extremely limited access to legal counsel while their families…
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ifmat - 15-Year-old illegally held in Iranian adult prison

15-Year-old illegally held in Iranian adult prison

A 15-year-old boy is illegally being held in an Iranian prison for adults...
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ifmat - 15 year old boy sentenced to five years behind bars

15 year old boy sentenced to five years behind bars

The Vice President of the Majlis Legal and Judicial Commission said that a 15 year old boy who pulled down the flag bearing the emblem of the Iranian regime...
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