Mahmoud Alavi – Involved In

ifmat - Iranian officials increase pressure on Telegram app

Iranian officials increase pressure on Telegram app

Iranian Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi has vowed to block “anti-revolutionary channels” on the Telegram messaging...
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ifmat - Rights activist barred from university in Iran

Rights activist barred from university in Iran

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry has blocked formerly imprisoned civil rights activist Mahdieh Golroo from attending Alzahra University in Tehran...
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ifmat - Two Iranian journalists arrested in Tehran

Two Iranian journalists arrested in Tehran remain detained

Two Iranian journalists arrested in Tehran in August 2017 remain detained without formal charges, Human Rights Watch said today
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ifmat - Rouhani ministers stress on repression, export of terrorism, and aggressive meddling

Rouhani ministers stress on repression, export of terrorism, and aggressive meddling

During confirmation hearing for Mahmoud Alavi, Minister of Intelligence of Rouhani’s cabinet, the regime officials...
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ifmat - Political Prisoner Ali Shariati With False Promise by Judiciary

Political Prisoner Ali Shariati With False Promise by Judiciary

Activist Ali Shariati has been denied conditional release despite an earlier promise by judicial officials issued in exchange for him ending ...
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ifmat - Detained ProRouhani Telegram Channel Admins Repeatedly Denied Legal Counsel Three Months After Arrests

Detained Telegram Channel Admins Denied Legal Counsel Three Months After Arrests

More than one hundred days after a group of social media supporters of President Hassan Rouhani were arrested by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the detainees are still ...
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