Mahmoud Alavi – Involved In

ifmat - Iranian regime faces most serious threat in 40 years as economy worsens

Iranian regime faces most serious threat in 40 years as economy worsens

Former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has recently become one of the most vocal critics of the Iranian regime, while Reza Pahlavi...
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ifmat - Iranian terrorism targets dissidents abroad

Iranian terrorism targets dissidents abroad

On October 30, Denmark recalled its ambassador and called for fresh EU sanctions against Iran after discovering...
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ifmat - US report identifies Iranians responsible for repression

U.S. report identifies Iranians responsible for repression

Twelve senior officials described as key players within Iran’s infrastructure of repression...
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ifmat - Iran regime plans to evade sanctions

Iran regime plans to evade sanctions

While Iran grapples with sanctions and internal protests, reports on prospective oil imports by India from Iran...
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ifmat - Iranian regime targets dual citizens and foreigners

Iranian regime targets dual citizens and foreigners

Iran’s security apparatus has escalated its targeting of Iranian dual citizens and foreign nationals whom...
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ifmat - New wave of terror plots in Europe decided in Iran

New wave of terror plots in Europe decided in Iran

At a press conference in London today, the UK representative office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran...
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