Mahan Air – Involved In

ifmat - Secret Iranian weapon supply unit revealed

Secret Iranian weapon supply unit revealed

Israeli, American, and other Western intelligence agencies have been following the actions of the secret Iranian Unit 190...
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ifmat - Treasury rightly clips wings of Iran Mahan Air

Treasury rightly clips wings of Iran’s Mahan Air

Mahan Air, an Iranian commercial airline, plays an integral role in providing Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad with the manpower and weapons....
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ifmat - US and Europe at odds over airline backed by Iran Revolutionary Guard

U.S. and Europe at odds over airline backed by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard

An Iranian airline, backed by the country's notorious Revolutionary Guard and used to ferry weapons and fighters...
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ifmat - The Revolutionary Guards and its chaotic way of smuggling terrorism arms

The Revolutionary Guards and its chaotic way of smuggling terrorism arms

Since the mullahs’ regime claimed power in Tehran with Khomeini who built his authority on the bodies of his opponents...
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ifmat - The financial power of the Revolutionary Guards

The financial power of the Revolutionary Guards

The extent of the Revolutionary Guards' control over the Iranian economy is ­apparent as soon as you enter the country...
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ifmat - Mahan Air the airline facilitating Iran-backed conflicts in the Middle East

Mahan Air: the airline facilitating Iran-backed conflicts in the Middle East

Iran has been using the passenger Mahan Air carrier to transport weapons, military equipment and foreign fighters to various conflict...
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