Kataib Hezbollah – Involved In

ifmat - Revealing IRGC’s Terrorist Training Camps5

Iran exporting terrorists: IRGC builded Terrorist Training Camps and Train Foreign Fighters on Iran Soil

The following information has been gathered and documented by the social network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran. The revelations are made public by the ...
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ifmat - Iran Shiite Militias Endangering Future of Iraq

Iran Shiite Militias Endangering Future of Iraq

Heshmat Alavi - A conglomerate of Iran-backed Shiite militias in Iraq, known as the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), or more commonly by the
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ifmat - Iran Shiite Militias Endangering Future of Iraq

Iran Shiite Militias Endangering Future of Iraq

A conglomerate of Iran-backed Shiite militias in Iraq, known as the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), or more commonly by the Arabic label
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Iran main state sponsor of terror in 2015, US State Department reports

Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on student associations who share the Islamic faith to establish a ‘unified anti-US and anti-Zionist front’. ‘By using advanced means of communication ...
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