Kataib Hezbollah – Involved In

ifmat - FOI requests over Iran deal and the role of IRGC

FOI requests over Iran deal and the role of IRGC

A Conservative organisation in the US has sent out Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests to four key agencies to uncover the truth about the 2015 nuclear deal..
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ifmat - IRGC plans to reach Mediterranean coast by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage

IRGC plans to reach Mediterranean coast by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage

The clerical regime has expanded its war mongering and criminal interventions in Syria and is seeking to reach the east coast of the Mediterranean by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage.
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ifmat - Iran Regime's Threat to the United States

Iran regime’s threat to the United States

The US military is paying very close attention to Iran’s violent proxy militia groups in Iraq following reports that they will start killing US troops
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ifmat - Iranian militia vows to turn against U.S. troops once Islamic State is defeated

Iranian militia vows to turn against U.S. troops once Islamic State is defeated

US military is keeping a wary eye on Iran’s most violent proxy militia in Iraq, vowed to start killing Americans again once the Islamic State is expelled...
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ifmat - Iran extends reach with fight for land link to Mediterranean

Iran extends reach with fight for land link to Mediterranean

Thousands of Iranian-backed fighters in Syria's central desert region are advancing east, bringing Tehran closer to its goal...
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ifmat - What role will Iran-linked militias play once IS leaves Iraq

What role will Iran-linked militias play once IS leaves Iraq

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said recently that any group taking up arms in Iraq outside the state's official framework will be considered outlaws. However, it seems at least ...
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