Kataib Hezbollah – Involved In

Trump US Inspector acknowledges Iran-backed militias obtained Abrams tanks

Trump US Inspector acknowledges Iran-backed militias obtained Abrams tanks

A recent quarterly report released by the Office of Inspector General acknowledged that several US-made Abrams tanks fell into the hands of Iranian-backed militias after being supplied to the ...
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ifmat - Iran has created Shiite Creascent across the Middle East

Iran has created “Shiite Creascent” across the Middle East

Iran has virtually completed a “Shiite Crescent” of influence across the heart of the Middle East, using a string of battlefield successes to link a network of allies and ...
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ifmat - intensification of terrorism, belligerence and ballistic missile program

Intensification of terrorism, belligerence and ballistic missile program

Four years after the start of serious nuclear talks in mid-2013 in Geneva and more than two years after the agreement reached in...
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ifmat - An IRGC Qods force entity called Mahan, operating under the guise of a private company

An IRGC Qods force entity called Mahan, operating under the guise of a private company

Iranian airline companies play an important role in Iran's interference in the countries of the region, including the transfer of personnel and logistics for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ...
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ifmat - FOI requests over Iran deal and the role of IRGC

FOI requests over Iran deal and the role of IRGC

A Conservative organisation in the US has sent out Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests to four key agencies to uncover the truth about the 2015 nuclear deal..
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ifmat - IRGC plans to reach Mediterranean coast by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage

IRGC plans to reach Mediterranean coast by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage

The clerical regime has expanded its war mongering and criminal interventions in Syria and is seeking to reach the east coast of the Mediterranean by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage.
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