Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting – Involved In

ifmat - Iranian officials increase pressure on Telegram app

Iranian officials increase pressure on Telegram app

Iranian Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi has vowed to block “anti-revolutionary channels” on the Telegram messaging...
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ifmat - Iran's revolutionary guards threaten to attack US military

Iran’s revolutionary guards threaten to attack US military

President Donald Trump is widely expected to label Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organization...
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ifmat - Iranian Imprisoned Spiritual Leader Awaiting New Verdict While IRGC Arrests His Followers

Iranian Imprisoned Spiritual Leader Awaiting New Verdict While IRGC Arrests His Followers

Followers of imprisoned Iranian spiritual leader Mohammad Ali Taheri are being arrested by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard...
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ifmat - North Koreas Deadly Partnership With Iran

North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

North Korea’s Kim Yong Nam was among the most mysterious, and most reported on, guests at the inauguration of Iran’s...
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ifmat - Irans Tech Cooperation with China and Russia

Iran’s Tech Co-operation with China and Russia

Iran’s tech-savvy youth, which at 40% represent the country’s largest demographic bloc, want Apple products and other US technology...
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ifmat - Political Prisoners Hidden from Ambassadors During Evin Prison Visit

Political Prisoners Hidden from Ambassadors During Evin Prison Visit

Swedish resident Ahmadreza Djalali and other political prisoners were moved to a ward under the control of Iran’s Intelligence Ministry...
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