Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting – Involved In

ifmat - Why did US arrest Iran regime journalist

Why did U.S. arrest Iran regime’s journalist?

The FBI arrested an American-born anchor for Iran’s state-run English-language broadcasting channel Press TV last week....
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ifmat - Satirist Keyomars Marzban to be tried in Iran under hardline judge Salavati

Satirist Keyomars Marzban to be tried in Iran under hardline judge Salavati

Iranian satirist Keyomars Marzban, who has been detained in Iran since August 2018, is due to face trial for the charges of...
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ifmat - Iranian poet flogged 74 times for spreading propaganda

Iranian poet flogged 74 times for “spreading propaganda”

An Iranian Azerbaijani poet and satirist was flogged 76 times Sunday, in a court in the city of Khoy...
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ifmat - Why Houthis shout Death to America

Iran regime forces Yemen Houthis to shout ‘Death to America’

About 170 nautical miles off the coast of Oman, a small, stateless fishing vessel was intercepted in March 2016 by the HMAS Darwin...
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ifmat - US wanted to help Iranian people with new deal but regime mullahs refused

U.S. wanted to help Iranian people with new deal but regime refused

The United States has made 11 attempts to begin negotiations with Iran in the last two years, all rejected by Tehran...
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ifmat - Iran judiciary chief threatens workers protesting over unpaid wages

Iran judiciary chief threatens workers protesting over unpaid wages

Iran’s Judiciary Chief Sadeq Amoli-Larijani on Monday warned workers protesting over unpaid wages against...
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