IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In

ifmat - Former Mossad chief says Iran poses bigger threat to UAE than to Israel

Former Mossad chief says Iran poses bigger threat to UAE than to Israel

Iran’s nuclear ambitions and aspirations of regional hegemony fuel its desire to undermine the other regimes in the Persian Gulf, former Mossad intelligence agency Director Yossi Cohen said Sunday.
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ifmat - Iran Riaisi appoints more IRGC commanders to civilian positions

Iran’s Raisi appoints more IRGC commanders to civilian positions

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi (Raeesi), in a rare move, has appointed two active-duty Revolutionary Guard commanders as governors in two key provinces.
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ifmat - Iran guards to take a share of ambitious government housing project

Iran’s guards to take a share of ambitious government housing project

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards will take a share of an ambitious housing construction project promised by the government, that could cost billions of dollars.
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ifmat - Iran and its Supreme Leader sued for alleged unlawful acts of torture

Iran and its Supreme Leader sued for alleged unlawful acts of torture

Iran, IRGC, and its supreme leader, Seyed Ali Khamenei, has been sued by Mr. Akbar Lakestani, a dual citizen of Iran and the United States, for alleged unlawful detention ...
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ifmat - Devastation of Iranian people at the hands of Israel or IRGC

Devastation of Iranian people at the hands of Israel or IRGC?

The Iranian people, regardless of ethnicity or religion, have been suffering due to the critical political and economical conditions of the country in the past forty years, with the ...
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ifmat - Iranian armed forces chief is in Islamabad on a three day visit

Iranian armed forces chief is in Islamabad on a three-day visit

Chief of General Staff for the Armed Forces of Iran Maj Gen Mohammad Bagheri is reaching here on Tuesday on a three-day visit...
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