IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In

ifmat - nine Iranian-controlled banks linked to missile activity

Nine Iranian-controlled banks linked to missile activity

U.S. officials have insisted that the nuclear agreement with Iran has not affected the continuation of sanctions on its ballistic missile program
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ifmat - John Bolton If Free Elections Were Held in Iran, Ayatollahs Would Be the Losers

John Bolton: If Free Elections Were Held in Iran, Ayatollahs Would Be the Losers

On the eve of Iran's presidential election, the prominent diplomat and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, in an exclusive interview with the Voice of America's ...
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ifmat - Youths Protesting Sham Elections Despite Heavy IRGC & Basij Presence

Youths Protesting Sham Elections Despite Heavy IRGC & Basij Presence

Terrified of growing popular protests, the inhumane mullahs’ regime on the night of Wednesday, May 17th, dispatched a large number of Revolutionary Guards and paramilitary Basij members, alongside motorcycling ...
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Re-insurers gone rogue

The end result is- American money invested and poured out in Iran, although publicly, U.S. nationals/ companies are forbidden to do business (of any kind) with Iran. How is ...
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ifmat - How Iran views its role in the Middle East

How Iran views its role in the Middle East

A recent study of political statements by key Iranian officials throughout 2016 and the first half of 2017 provides interesting insights into the country's political vision and identifies future ...
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ifmat - Human Rights Abuser Up For Election Signals The Wrong Direction For Iran

Ebrahim Raisi Human Rights Abuser Up For Election in Iran

Last week, Ebrahim Raisi, a notorious human rights abuser, announced his candidacy for the upcoming sham Iranian presidential elections on May 19. Raisi was a member of “Death Commission,” ...
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