IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In


Iran behind killing of Turkish soldiers in Syria, says Pentagon

Iran might have carried out the drone attack which killed four Turkish soldiers in northwestern Syria last November 24, a Pentagon official has said.
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Iran’s Proxy Activities threat to the world

Iran's destabilizing actions across the Middle East constitute a security threat that rivals that of Tehran's nuclear ambitions, Republican and Democratic U.S. senators said Tuesday.
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Iran jails fashion bloggers and models

Twelve people in Iran’s fledgling fashion industry have reportedly been sentenced to prison after being found guilty of ‘spreading prostitution’ online.
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Iran continuing ‘malign activities’ across region

The head of the United States’ Central Command (CENTCOM) yesterday expressed concern that Iran was continuing provocative actions across the Middle East, as speculation grows over whether or not ...
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The Unraveling of Sanctions on the Quds Force’s Qassem Soleimani

Sanctions against Qassem Soleimani “will stay forever,” Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday. Soleimani is head of the Quds Force, the arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ...
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Iran is smuggling weapons to Hezbollah on commercial flights

Iran is smuggling weapons and ammunition to Hezbollah through commercial flights from the Islamic Republic to Lebanon, according to intelligence information revealed by Israel's UN ambassador to the Security ...
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