IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In

ifmat - Get to Know Iran’s Terrorist 'Ambassador' to Iraq

Get to Know Iran’s Terrorist ‘Ambassador’ to Iraq

Iran’s new ambassador to Iraq is part of a terrorist network, an advisor of the notorious Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force.
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ifmat - Designated Mahan Air Again Ferring Illicit Weapons - caught in the act

Designated Mahan Air Again Ferring Illicit Weapons – caught in the act

Two airlines sanctioned by the United States for enabling Iran’s global terrorist operations appear to have played a central role in moving
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ifmat - To Stop the Export of Terrorism and Islamic Extremism, IRGC Must Be Blacklisted

To Stop the Export of Terrorism and Islamic Extremism, IRGC Must Be Blacklisted

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) came about after the 1979 revolution and gained significant power 10 years later when Mullah
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ifmat - Iran Trains Children for War

Iran Trains Children for War

Iran is using new methods of recruiting and training children through its paramilitary militia group, Basij, one of
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ifmat - Iran’s terror export poses threat to Bahrain, Gulf

Iran’s terror export threat to Bahrain, Gulf

The Iranian mullah administration looks upon the Gulf leaders with great suspicion, as it perceives both Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf
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ifmat - The Iranian regime’s birth of terrorism and expansionist policies

The Iranian regime’s birth of terrorism and expansionist policies

As far as world terrorism is concerned, the defining moment came about when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini stepped triumphantly from a plane at Tehran Airport in 1979,
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