IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In

ifmat - Iran Automaker Company's Workers Beaten by IRGC

Iran Automaker Company’s Workers Beaten by IRGC

ccording to reports on February 21, Revolutionary Guards in ‘Iran Khodro Company’ beat up a fed-up worker who protested against not being paid and poor working conditions, so that ...
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ifmat - Obama Paid 1 Billion and 400 Million Dollars to Iran Regime's IRGC

Obama Paid 1 Billion and 400 Million Dollars to Iran Regime’s IRGC

A Senior Official of the IRGC announced that the Intelligence forces compelled the US government to pay 1 billion and 400 million dollars for the release of Jason Rezaian. ...
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ifmat - Iran launches 'advanced' rockets during military exercises

Iran launches ‘advanced’ rockets during military exercises

Iranian elite ground forces tested smart rockets with pinpoint accuracy during the ongoing military drills, according to official statement
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ifmat - IRGC and State Owned Companies benefits from JCPOA

IRGC And State Owned Companies in Iran Benefits from JCPOA

When the United States and Europe negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) they claimed it would boost trade and encourage
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ifmat - EU Should Stop Trade With Iran and IRGC Should be Punished

EU Should Stop Trade With Iran and IRGC Should be Punished

As the General Michael Flynn’s political star sets amidst continued controversy, the Trump administration is facing its first foreign policy tests less than a month after the inauguration.
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ifmat - Iran Has harrased U.S. Ships

Iran Has harrased U.S. Ships

The incidents occurred just days before Donald Trump assumed the office of the presidency.
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