IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In

ifmat - Increasing Isolation for Iran

Increasing Isolation for Iran

After enjoying eight “golden” years of President Barack Obama’s all-out appeasement approach, the mullahs in Iran are feeling the wrath of isolation, with senior international figures lashing out at ...
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ifmat - What role will Iran-linked militias play once IS leaves Iraq

What role will Iran-linked militias play once IS leaves Iraq

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said recently that any group taking up arms in Iraq outside the state's official framework will be considered outlaws. However, it seems at least ...
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ifmat - Young Iranian Death Row Inmate Soon will receive sentence

Young Iranian Death Row Inmate Soon will receive sentence

The request for a judicial review of the death sentence against 21-year-old Sina Dehghan for “insulting the prophet” of Islam is being processed, his lawyer told the Center for ...
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ifmat - Political Activist on new and Undeclared Charges

Political Activist on new and Undeclared Charges

Outspoken political activist and former reformist member of Parliament Faezeh Hashemi will face a new trial in April 2017 on undeclared charges, an informed source told the Center for ...
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ifmat - Tunisia Condemned Iran Regime for Its Scheme to Destabilize Bahrain

Tunisia Condemned Iran Regime for Its Scheme to Destabilize Bahrain

As the Bahraini authorities arrested the group planning to launch terrorist operations in the country, Tunisia strongly condemned all measures leading to destabilizing and insecurity in Bahrain.
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ifmat - Bahrain Disrupts Iran-Sponsored Terror Cell Planning to Carry Out Attacks

Bahrain Disrupts Iran-Sponsored Terror Cell Planning to Carry Out Attacks

Bahrain security forces arrested members of an Iranian-sponsored terrorist cell on Sunday, accusing them of planning the assassinations of senior government officials. The cell is also believed to be ...
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