IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In

ifmat - IRGC Controls Iran Reinsurance Companies

Iranian Reinsurance Companies Controlled by IRGC

IRGC Controls Iranian Reinsurance Companies
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ifmat - IranRe Shares

Pasargad Bank is major shareholder at “Iran Re”

Pasargad Bank is major shareholder at Iranian Reinsurance Company
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ifmat - IRGC Petrochemical Chain

IRGC controls Ghadir Investment Company

he Joint Plan of Action (JPA) signed on November 24 between Iran and the P5+1, stipulates a set of mutual concessions for a six-month period while the two sides ...
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ifmat - bank pasargad shareholders

Saman majd Investment Company owns shares in Pasargad Bank

Saman majd Investment Company owns shares in Pasargad Bank
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ifmat - Iranian Militia Role in Syria

Iranian Militia Role in Syria

Earlier in April he was spotted in the northern countryside of the central Syrian province of Hama, where the forces of President Bashar al-Assad have been battling a surprise ...
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ifmat - Assad's Air Force Chemical Attack on Khan Sheikhoun Was in Support of IRGC Ground Forces Operations

Assad’s Air Force Chemical Attack on Khan Sheikhoun Was in Support of IRGC Ground Forces Operations

Investigating the events before and after Bashar al-Assad’s chemical attack on the town of Khan Sheikhoun, clearly indicates that the goal of this attack was to support the operations ...
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