IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In

ifmat - Lebanese Cleric Reveals True Face as an IRGC Quds Force Agent

Lebanese Cleric Reveals True Face as an IRGC Quds Force Agent

Mohamed Ali Hosseini Moddati, a Lebanese cleric, has recently reinitiated his activities as an agent of IRGC and the Lebanese Hezbollah...
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ifmat - German Federal Office Emphadata-lazy-sizes Necessity to Expel Iran Spies From Germany

German Federal Office Emphasizes Necessity to Expel Iran Spies From Germany

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Germany has published its latest annual report. This text unveiled various activities by Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security ...
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ifmat - Mohammad Ali Jafari will remain as the IRGC commander for three more years

Mohammad Ali Ja’fari will remain as the IRGC commander for three more years

On Tuesday, July 4, Mohammad Ali Ja’fari, commander in chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), in a referral meeting in Tehran announced that upon Khamenei’s written order he ...
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ifmat - Iranian Supreme Court Judge Describes 1988 Mass Executions of Political Prisoners as “Fair and Lawful”'

Iranian Supreme Court Judge Describes 1988 Mass Executions of Political Prisoners as “Fair and Lawful”

A senior Iranian judicial official has publicly defended the state’s mass executions of political prisoners and extended incarcerations of dissidents in the 1980s...
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ifmat - Four Christian Converts Sentenced to 10 Years Imprisonment in Iran in Trial Lacking Due Process

Four Christian Converts Sentenced to 10 Years Imprisonment in Iran in Trial Lacking Due Process

Three Azeri men and one Iranian man, all Protestant Christian converts, have been sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Revolutionary Court in Iran, according to Mansour Borji, ...
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ifmat - Detained ProRouhani Telegram Channel Admins Repeatedly Denied Legal Counsel Three Months After Arrests

Detained Telegram Channel Admins Denied Legal Counsel Three Months After Arrests

More than one hundred days after a group of social media supporters of President Hassan Rouhani were arrested by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the detainees are still ...
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