IRGC-Qods Force – Involved In

ifmat-Khatam-al Anbiya Construction Headquarter involved in construction projects for Iran's ballistic missile and nuclear programs;bya

Khatam-al Anbiya Construction Headquarter involved in construction projects for Iran’s ballistic missile and nuclear programs;

The US Department of the Treasury today took further action to implement existing sanctions against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) by designating a general and four companies affiliated ...
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ifmat-U.S.imposes sanctions on Iranian port operator

U.S.imposes sanctions on Iranian port operator

The U.S. Department of the Treasury yesterday took action to designate two major Iranian commercial entities -Tidewater Middle East Co. and Iran Air – under Iran sanctions regulations, MarineLog ...
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Palestinian Islamic Jihad designated as terrorist organization

Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is the smallest but most violent Palestinian group—and long the closest to Iran. The underground movement was founded by Fathi Shikaki, a young physician and Gaza ...
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Mahan Air providing financial, material and techological support to the IRGC

Commercial airline; has transported personnel, weapons, and goods on behalf of Lebanese Hizballah; provided assistance to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force, including transporting IRGC-QF personnel to and from ...
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