Houthis – Involved In

ifmat - Saudi air defenses intercept 3 balistic missiles by the Iran-backed Houthi

Saudi air defenses intercept 3 ballistic missiles by the Iran-backed Houthi

Saudi air defenses intercepted on Wednesday three ballistic missiles fired by the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen …
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ifmat - Iran-backed houthis fired missiles to Saudi Arabia

Iran-backed Houthis fired missiles to Saudi Arabia

Common sense would suggest Iran toning down its language and measures as domestic and international pressures increase...
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ifmat - Houthi Iranian attack targets Saudi oil tanker

Houthi Iranian attack on Saudi oil tanker

The spokesperson of the Arab coalition fighting to support legitimacy in Yemen said that a Saudi oil tanker was subjected to a Houthi-Iranian attack on Tuesday afternoon…
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ifmat - Iran continued support to Yemen Houthi rebels

Iran’s continued support to Yemen’s Houthi rebels

Last week, the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington D.C. released a nine-page primer on Iran’s continued support to Yemen’s Houthi rebels...
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ifmat - Cracking down on Houthi stronghold ends iranian project

Cracking down on Houthi stronghold ends ‘Iranian project’

Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr said on Monday that cracking down on the Houthis in their stronghold in Saada is the beginning of the end...
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ifmat - Iran aiming to impoverish Yemeni people

Houthi militants are pursuing Iranian policies in Yemen

Houthi militia in Yemen are bent on “starving” the Yemeni people, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Yemen Mohamed Al-Jaber said…
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