Houthis – Involved In

ifmat - Houthi guerillas seek help of Iran

Houthi guerillas seek help of Iran

For the Houthis, it has been a case of nature combined with nurture...
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ifmat - Iran financing of Houthi rebels in Yemen has prolonged the war

Iran’s financing of Houthi rebels in Yemen has prolonged the war

Yemeni officials tell The Media Line that Tehran is providing direct military support to its Shiite proxy...
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ifmat - Johnson says Iran arming of Houthis in Yemen must be stopped

British foreign secretary says Iran’s arming of Houthis in Yemen must be stopped

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who has scheduled talks with US officials in Washington this week…
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ifmat - Iranian-Backed Houthi militants are seizing power1

Iranian-Backed Houthi militants are seizing power in the Arabian Peninsula

Iran’s involvement in Yemen should be framed as part of its expansionist agenda in the Middle East region and larger proxy war with Saudi Arabia ...
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ifmat - Houthis hardened against political process in Yemen because of Iran

Houthis hardened against political process in Yemen because of Iran

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir has said that the success of any political solution in Yemen depends on the Houthi militias...
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ifmat - Iran has supplied Houthis with ballistic missiles - Yemeni prime minister

Iran has supplied Houthis with ballistic missiles – Yemeni prime minister

SAUDI ARABIA’S push for a tough stand against its arch-rival Iran is expected to dominate an Arab League summit on Sunday as regional tensions grow over the wars...
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