Houthis – Involved In

ifmat - Yemeni army shoots down Iranian-made Houthi drone

Yemeni army shoots down Iranian-made Houthi drone

The Yemeni army announced on Tuesday that a military drone belonging to the Houthi militias was shot down...
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ifmat - Why Houthis shout Death to America

Iran regime forces Yemen Houthis to shout ‘Death to America’

About 170 nautical miles off the coast of Oman, a small, stateless fishing vessel was intercepted in March 2016 by the HMAS Darwin...
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ifmat - US fresh evidence of Iranian military support for Houthis in Yemen

U.S. fresh evidence of Iranian military support for Houthis in Yemen

Tehran's support for the Houthi militia is a flagrant violation of security in the region, the US special envoy...
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ifmat - Iran-Backed Houthis launch Bballistic missile at Saudi forces

Iran-backed Houthis launch ballistic missile at Saudi forces

The country has been trying to implement standards set by the Financial Action Task Force, which monitors government anti-money laundering...
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ifmat - Iranian regime and IRGC are backing dangerous proxy in Yemen

Iranian regime and IRGC are backing dangerous proxy in Yemen

While the world was fixated on the existential threat of ISIS — a terrorist group that controlled mostly rural...
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ifmat - Iranian regime threats on United States and Israel

Iranian regime threats on United States and Israel

A wave of threats from senior Iranian officials during the summer of 2018 has opened a window into the crisis in which the regime...
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