Hezbollah – Involved In

ifmat - How the international community should deal with Iran regime

How the international community should deal with Iran regime

The widespread protests across Iran this past month came as a shock to the Mullah’s Regime and the world at large, but this isn’t over yet. The first wave ...
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ifmat - Iran spends billions on weapons programs

Iran spends billions on weapons programs, terrorism while ignoring Iranians basic needs

Iran is spending billions of dollars on its weapons programs and supporting terrorism around the globe while it ignores the basic needs of its people, a new report asserts…
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ifmat - Iran resumes building missile pants in Lebanon

Iran resumes building missile pants in Lebanon

Iran wants to step up its efforts to improve the accuracy of Hezbollah's missiles and rockets and, as foreign media have reported, the Israeli Air…
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ifmat - Iran economy is going down while they continue to sponsor other country war

Iran economy is going down while they continue to sponsor other country’s war

Several factors that led to the fall of the Roman Empire, can clearly be seen in the problems now facing the Iranian regime...
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ifmat - Iran controls 82000 fighters in Syria

Iran controls 82,000 fighters in Syria

Iran is currently controlling 82,000 fighters in Syria,” Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon told the UN Security Council on Thursday…
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ifmat - Bigger Iran military budget could mean more proxy wars

Bigger Iran military budget could mean more proxy wars

An Iranian official has announced the allocation of $2.5 billion more for the country's military to increase what the regime terms the country's "military capabilities...
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