Hassan Nasrallah – Involved In

ifmat - Irans flag on Israels borderWe are coming

Iran’s flag on Israel’s border: ‘We are coming’

Lebanon seems to be having a flag sale. Iranian flags, Hezbollah, the UN, Spain, Palestinian flags. They are all flying provocatively along the border with the northern Israeli community ...
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ifmat - Hezbollah Is a Branch of the Iran Regime's Revolutionary Guards IRGC

Hezbollah Is a Branch of the Iran Regime’s Revolutionary

The House Foreign Affairs Committee held hearings on Thursday, June 8 to investigate Hezbollah as a proxy force for the Iran regime ...
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ifmat - Iran Regime's Proxy in Severe Financial Difficulty

Iran Regime’s Proxy in Severe Financial Difficulty

Reports indicate that Iran’s proxy group Hezbollah is bordering on bankruptcy because of its massive expenditure in Syria.
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ifmat - Bahrain Disrupts Iran-Sponsored Terror Cell Planning to Carry Out Attacks

Bahrain Disrupts Iran-Sponsored Terror Cell Planning to Carry Out Attacks

Bahrain security forces arrested members of an Iranian-sponsored terrorist cell on Sunday, accusing them of planning the assassinations of senior government officials. The cell is also believed to be ...
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ifmat - Iran is increasingly threatening the Jewish state

Iran is increasingly threatening Israel

According to a recent report published by MEMRI, in the wake of the election of US President Donald Trump, Iran has been shying away from directly confronting the United ...
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ifmat - IRGC's Export of Terrorism and Extremism

IRGC’s Export of Terrorism and Extremism

In a recent article in Foreign Policy magazine, author Trita Parsi wants us to believe that “Iran’s proxy wars [are] a figment
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