Hamas – Involved In

No US threat will go unanswered

Iran will not let any threat from the US go “unanswered,” the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said on Wednesday. The statement came after US President ...
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Three families of October 7 victims sue Iran

More than 60 US citizens and their family members who were killed, injured or taken hostage in the Hamas attack on Israel sued Iran, demanding upwards of $1 billion ...
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How a U of C Professor Wound Up a Prisoner of Iran

Abbas Alizadeh stepped off the plane in Tehran exhausted and a bit anxious. He had been traveling for 19 hours, flying first from O’Hare to Doha, Qatar, then on ...
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From Iraq to Yemen: Iran’s terrorist network in the Middle East

Iran's terrorist network throughout the Middle East continues to strengthen - from Hamas in the Gaza Strip, through Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iraq, to the Houthi rebels in Yemen. ...
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Iran network of terror proxies across the Middle East

Militants backed by Iranian forces have been waging attacks on US and Israeli targets since hostilities in the region were ignited in the wake of Hamas' brutal assault on ...
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Iran’s Proxies Are Out of Control

Iran and the United States have been in a shadow war with each other for years. That the conflict has never spilled into all-out war is only because both ...
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