Hamas – Involved In

Pro-Palestinian pornstar visits Tehran, lectures women on modesty

American porn actress Whitney Wright, an outspoken Palestinian supporter since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war, recently visited Tehran. During her visit, Wright reportedly made comments blaming the safety
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US announces terrorism charges and seizures against group linked to Iran

On February 2, the U.S. announced terrorism and sanctions-evasion charges and seizures linked to a billion-dollar oil trafficking network, which allegedly finances Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
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Khamenei Appears Concerned About Regime’s Legitimacy

Iran’s 84-year-old ruler Ali Khamenei once again hinted at his doubts about the political challenges his regime faces on Monday, expressing concern over election turnout and other issues. Khamenei ...
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US Announces Sanctions and Charges Against Iranian IRGC alongside Iraq-Syria Strikes

The United States announced new sanctions and charges Friday aimed at the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, as Washington retaliated for a strike killing three Americans in Jordan that was blamed ...
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US blacklists Iranian and Chinese companies said to be fronts for IRGC arms purchases

The United States on Friday imposed sanctions targeting Iran’s ballistic missile and drone procurement programs as well as officials it said were involved in hacking US infrastructure, as Washington ...
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Why are Iran’s proxies targeting US military bases?

For the past two months, Iranian proxies have attacked American forces in Syria and Iraq more than 170 times. Although Washington has hit back at the militias, the Biden ...
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