Hamas – Involved In

Iran gives Russia 400 powerful ballistic missiles capable of striking targets nearly 450 miles away

Iran has provided Russia with a large number of powerful surface-to-surface ballistic missiles, six sources told Reuters, deepening the military cooperation between the two U.S.-sanctioned countries. Iran's provision
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Understanding Iran’s non-state network

During a three-day period in January, Iranian-supported militant groups employed an anti-ship missile to attack an oil tanker in the Red Sea, launched rockets into northern Israel from Lebanon, ...
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Iran flaunts a new ship-fired missile

Iran's powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps paramilitary recently demonstrated the capability to strike land targets with ballistic missiles fired from a ship, but it is hardly the wide-ranging threat ...
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IDF finds Iranian tech underneath UNRWA headquarters

Israeli forces operating in the Gaza Strip have found evidence connecting the regime in Tehran with both the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza and the United Nations Relief and ...
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Fatemiyoun: Iran’s ‘Overlooked’ Arm in Syria

A report published in the New York Times on Monday sheds light on the Fatemiyoun Brigade in Syria, made up of Afghan refugees who joined the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ...
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Iran claims to add two new ‘stealth’ ships to IRGC Navy

Iran held a ceremony recently to mark the addition of two new patrol ships, the Shahid Sayad Shirazi and Shahid Bagheri ships, to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) ...
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